How To Clean White & Other Color Vinyl Boat Seats [UPDATED]

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Having joyous rides on boats is a fantasy to many. However, if you are one of the lucky ones, it comes true for your everyday!

We spend many memorable moments on these boats – be it fishing with family, partying with friends or an exciting wedding! In all these scenarios, it is important to keep your boat seats clean and crisp, because who would want to sit back and relax on a dirty seat!

That is why you need to know some cleaning tricks for keeping the beauty of your boat intact. Keep reading to know all about how to clean white vinyl boat seats and maintain them as well.

Cleaning White Vinyl Boat Seats in Different Ways

Vinegar Method

The first homemade cleaning solution for white vinyl boat seats comes as no surprise. It is the well-known powerhouse of getting rid of dirt – vinegar!

Although this element alone is often enough to clean dirty spots and rusts, it may need some help from other agents to do its job right on vinyl seats. This happens since vinyl is a pretty sensitive material that needs a little extra care. Besides, no one would like to mess up an expensive purchase like it.

To prepare the cleaning mixture, combine white vinegar and warm water in the ratio of 1:2. This proportion is important if the seats are white in color. Including warm water will help you to retain the original shine of these seats. Then add two tablespoons of the liquid dish soap you prefer the most.

You can pour this mixture into a spraying bottle and spritz it on the seats. Alternatively, you can absorb some of the mixture on a clean washcloth and use it to scrub the dirt off your boat seats.

A black boat seat with the steering wheel

Baking Soda

There are two ways to go about this. The first one aims at cleaning the whole seat and leaving no spot behind. For this cleaning solution, all you will need is some baking soda and a clean towel. Baking soda is great at removing odors and can be used in different methods of cleaning.

Sprinkle some baking soda on the towel and rub it on the vinyl surface. This will get rid of all the debris accumulated on seats.

The second approach of cleaning with baking soda targets specific grimy spots on the seat. This cleaning paste comprises of 3 portions of baking soda, 1 portion of water and 5 to 10 drops of liquid dish soap.

Apply a bit of this paste on the target spot. Then use a clean washcloth to scrub off the stain.

When the stain goes away, clean up that area with another cloth soaked in warm water. Doing so will make the seats brighter than before.

Club Soda

Another easily available item to clean up dirty white vinyl boat seats is club soda. Often used as a drinking mixture, this transparent solution can solve your cleaning problems as well. Especially in case of cleaning particular spots, club soda has proved to be very effective.

You can use it by taking some soda on a clean piece of cloth and then rubbing off the spot stain with that rag. For cleaning the area deeper, you can mix club soda with warm water, dish soap and vinegar.


This is one of the trickiest cleaning mixtures to use because of its chemical elements and precise measurements. So we would not recommend going for it unless all other methods have failed. Remember that this solution is meant for the most stubborn stains.

To make this cleaning mixture, take ¾ cup distilled water at first. Now add 1 tablespoon of ammonia and ¼ cup of hydrogen peroxide.

Now dip a sponge or a brush with soft bristles to take some of the mixture. Apply it on the stain and scrub the spot to remove the marks.Three boat seats in a corner

When the area is cleared, take a dry washcloth and use it to wipe off the residual from the surface. Don’t use this mixture on a regular basis on the vinyl seats. Otherwise, their material quality will deteriorate significantly.


Along with making your boat parties more “lit”, alcohol can also keep its vinyl seats clean. However, this process will need constant supervision since leaving alcohol on vinyl longer than necessary can damage the material.

Just take some of the alcohol on a clean piece of cloth and wipe off the stain. It works best on deep stains, mold and mildew. To save time, you can invest in readymade alcohol wipes instead.

Warm Soapy Water

If you don’t want any complication or layers of mixtures, just go for the good old soapy water. Take a gallon of water and mix in a quarter cup of mild soap. Apply it on the seats by wiping with a soft clean cloth or a sponge in circular motion.

When the area is clear, get rid of the residual by rinsing with clean water. Use another clean cloth to erase any excess soap.

Tips and Cautions While Cleaning White Vinyl Boat Seats


Cleaning solutions are meant for getting rid of moist or grimy buildups. So before beginning the cleaning process, make sure the surface is free from dry debris. Use a vacuum cleaner on it if possible to remove such debris. This will make the seats ready for the homemade or commercial liquid cleaner.

Accurate Measurements

Since vinyl is a fairly sensitive material, it is important to take the measurements of cleaning ingredients accurately. Especially if the solution requires tricky chemicals like methyl hydrate, isopropyl alcohol or enzyme digester.

Be aware of the correct amounts while preparing such cleaning solutions, as well as when applying them. Don’t be too harsh with the scrubs either since it can ruin vinyl’s texture. Wrong measurements and rough scrubbing can both damage the material.

A boat seat occupied with people

No Bleach

Bleach is a popular element when it comes to cleaning. However, you should never use bleach to clean white vinyl seats.

It can effectively get rid of mold, mildew and similar dirt from the seats. However, it can also go on to eroding the vinyl surface.

This powerful cleaner can destroy the vinyl threads leaving a very unpleasant appearance. You may need to get brand new seats because of such consequences.

Besides, regular use of bleach will make the vinyl supple over time. So refrain from using bleach on your beautiful vinyl boat seats.

Marine Life

The marine life all over the world is already facing a hard time due to global warming and environmental pollution. So remember to do your part by making sure that none of the cleaning solution or its residue reaches the water surrounding your boat. Even its smallest amount can harm marine lives.

A woman sitting on a boat taking the steering wheel


Vinyl is a tricky material. Be it in the homely indoor environment or in the adventurous outdoors, you always need to pay a little extra attention to vinyl objects, just as objects getting stained with turmeric.

However, cleaning up vinyl boat seats and keeping them clean is not so hard, just like cleaning your car carpets. All you need to make sure of is the safety of your cleaning ingredients and their right proportions.

Now that you know how to clean white vinyl boat seats and maintain them, we hope you continue to have more adventures on the sea with your boat’s fresh appearance.