Difference Between Synthetic Blend Oil and Regular Oil

The oil acts as the lifeblood of the engine of your car. It enables the parts of the car engine to move smoothly without one wearing out the other. After going kilometres and miles, you will need to change the engine oil of your vehicle and leave with the choice of synthetic blend oil vs regular oil. 

Difference Between Synthetic Blend Oil and Regular Oil?

Of course, you need to choose the best oil type for the engine of your car because this will affect the lifespan of your car. The oil in your engine is as essential as your major parts of the vehicle itself.

When you choose the right oil, then you are going a long way to salvage the life of your car as the engine performance will go a long way to ensure your vehicle last longer.

So, synthetic blend oil vs regular oil, which one should you now choose?

This is an important question which would need clarification, findings, and guidance. Of course, you would also need an assertive answer, but that would not be given here.

The needed comparison would only be made, and it will be your choice to choose the one best for you.

What Is a Regular Oil and Synthetic Blend Oil?

A regular oil (also known as the conventional oil) uses natural crude oil for its distillation and refinement. Crude oil is a natural fossil fuel.

On the other hand, a synthetic blend oil is a type of oil which undergoes artificial processes in its mode of production. It is specially made with the right combination of molecules and compounds and tailored to give a result which will bring about a natural and vehicle compatible oil.

As much as we know how important an oil catch can is to our vehicles, discussing the differences between these two oils is also just as important.

An oil pouring to the surface

Difference Between Regular Oil and Synthetic Blend Oil

The regular oil is naturally made, so it takes little refinement and uses little additives in its formation. Synthetic blend oil, however, is more refined and tend to use more chemicals in its making. It is tailored towards catering for the modern day engines of vehicles.


Regular oils break down easily, and this makes the lubrication of your engine get low easily. The composition of regular oils does not form the long-lasting bond required for long-lasting lubrication.

The Synthetic blend oil uses a combination of chemicals, and this helps it last longer. Wear and tear are reduced with the Synthetic blend oil, and this makes lubrication last longer. Friction is controlled for a long period of time with the Synthetic blend oil.


Regular or conventional oil costs less, and it is very affordable and can be bought at a lower rate compared to Synthetic oil.

Synthetic blend oil, on the other hand, cost more than the regular oil. It adds about $40 as an additional price to the regular oil.The amount you are going to spend on purchasing the Synthetic blend oil may likely double the amount you will spend in buying a regular oil for a specific period.


Regular oil’s performance is not virile and will easily get outdated. This oil is mostly suitable for going on a low mile or for vehicles which have been produced in a long time past. Regular oil will not last well in an engine, and it may be unsafe to use it reliably for longer trips.

Synthetic blend oil will last long when used in car engines. It has necessary chemical compounds which make it hold tight among themselves and gives it an efficient performance in engines of cars.


Regular oil will be replaced easily and frequently. It needs to be changed after about 3000 miles to 5000 miles.

This is a recommendation of car mechanics, and this may even vary. Regular oil will need frequent checking and replacement, and it needs to be constantly monitored.

Synthetic blend oil will last longer than regular oils, and there is no need for frequent replacement. This blend of oil can last more than 7,500 miles.

In fact, some can last up to 10, 000 miles. Synthetic blend oil will not need constant replacement, and you can rest assured of its performance as you drive your vehicle.

Oil cans stacked on a shelf

Temperature Consideration

Regular oils cannot withstand extreme temperatures. Instead, they react to extreme temperature and low temperature. When in a hot temperature, regular oil will break down easily, and it will not last long like the Synthetic blend oil.

It may also result to an oil leak due to extreme conditions. Also, when in cold temperature, the oil will get thickened and make it inefficient for use.

The Synthetic blend oil will last long when in extreme temperature. It does not break down easily, and so heat will not affect it when there is hotness of the temperature. In cold temperature, Synthetic blend oil will also not thicken and will also be effective in cases of such.

Regular or Synthetic Blend Oil: Which to Choose?

The manual of your vehicle will direct you to choose the best of oil. Largely, synthetic oil is virtually the best choice for all cars because of its high-performance nature as Synthetic blend oil will last long when used in car engines.

It has necessary chemical compounds which make it hold tight among themselves and give it an efficient performance in engines of cars.

However, the manuals of your car will choose which is right for you. Sometimes, regular oil will be chosen for your vehicle.

This can occur mostly in cars which have been made in a long time past. It can also be used in cars that run on low miles and are used for short distance journeys.

According to toolspicks.com synthetic blend oil will largely be used for modern cars and for cars which have engines that are recently made. It covers many brands of cars and goes a long way to ensure a neat engine performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the Essence of Viscosity Index?

When the viscosity index of any oil is high, it implies that oil is more resistant to viscosity change.

What Does TBN Stand For in Oils?

TBN is a short form of Total Base Number. It is a measure of how alkalinity the oil has. The higher the TBN, the extended change intervals an oil will have.

What Is Oil Shear Stability?

Is a measure of how proper the oil withstands the mechanical shear loads. When oil slides together in an engine, they are subjected to shear loads. So if the oil has poor shear stability, when sliding together during the engine, the operation will quickly lose viscosity.

An oil change check for the mechanic

Are Synthetic Oils Worth the Extra Cost?

The answer will generally depend on what is in your specific warranty pack. Many of the newer packages need owners of vehicles to receive special oils and coolants and other fluids during regular maintenance periods. So that takes away most of the selection.

Why Do Synthetic Oils Have Many Incompatibilities?

Diehard fans of regular oil are always pointing out incompatibility as the drawbacks of synthetic oil, but the truth is due to improved engine designs, and current fuel refinement is what causes animosity.

So, with all the notions up in this piece, now you know which one to go for. Right?


Synthetic blend oil is generally better for most cars that are made recently. Regular oil is best in some cases where the care was made during the time when synthetic blend oil wasn’t popular. This means, if you own a vintage car, you are likely going to use regular oil