Can I Use A 12 Point Socket On A 6 Point Nut?

A 6-point socket is hexagonal in shape, whereas 12 point socket is double-hexagonal in shape. In fact, the 12-point socket also has the name ‘double-hex.’ All the points within the 12-point socket are in the spacing of 30° increments around the circle.

And the 6-points socket has the spacing of each point at 60° increments. Therefore, considering this geometry, people do have questions about whether they can use a 12-point socket over a 6-point nut. 

Can I Use A 12 Point Socket On A 6 Point Nut?

Yes, the geometry of 12 point socket with a spacing of 30° increments allows it to fit onto the 6-point nuts or fasteners. Therefore, the tool will work proficiently when it fits onto the nut. People also prefer to match up the sockets with the fasteners.

Socket wrench set

It means that people usually prefer a 6 point socket for a 6-point fastener and 12 point socket for a 12-point fastener. But, at times, the tools and bits do not match, but the demands arise.  

Therefore, it is essential for people to understand the manufacturing process of these sockets and nuts and whether they can work interchangeably! And then you can get a proper answer to ‘Can I use a 12 point socket on a 6-point nut?’. 

Differences Between 6-Point Socket And 12 Point Socket

To understand the ergonomics and geometry of these two sockets and their working on both bolts interchangeably, you need to know the potential differences. The differences include:

  1. Six-point sockets come with thicker walls, whereas in the case of a 12-point socket, the wall is thin. 
  2. 12 point sockets have less contact over the 6-point fasteners but are usable. Hence, this is the only answer to your question! 12-point sockets are well-acquaint with 6-point nuts or fasteners. 
  3. 6 point socket comes with torque resistance, whereas 12 point sockets come with less torque resistance. 
  4. 6-point sockets are preferable only with the 6-point fasteners. And, 12-point sockets are preferable with both 6-point or 12-point nuts/fasteners. 
  5. 12-point sockets are easy in terms of connecting to the fasteners, whereas with a 6-point socket, it is slightly difficult. 
  6. 12- Point sockets are essential for tight spots and fasteners that are hard to locate or see. Also, the 6-point sockets are most likely preferred for DIY projects or tasks in most scenarios.

These differences do explain the pros and cons of both socket types. But 12-point sockets can be used on 6-point nuts, but not vice versa. It means that you cannot use 6 point sockets upon 12 point bolts or nuts. 

The 6 point sockets do have a leading edge over 6 point nuts because of the thick wall structure and big contact area. Every operator would preferably use the matches rather than compromising with a mismatched set of tools and fasteners. But, if by any chance, there is no 6-point socket for the 6-point nut, you can always prefer to use a 12-point socket for the same. 

Different Types Of Sockets To Perform Diverse Applications

The 6-point and 12-point sockets are part of an extensive range of socket lists available for diverse applications. The socket types and their applications include:

Various types of sockets
  1. SAE Sockets- Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) sockets come with a design to help you work feasibly on American vehicles, especially on the base of imperial system fractions and inches. 
  2. Torx Bit Sockets- The Torx bit sockets are mainly for the Torx screws. The size measurements of the Torx bit sockets are the same as that of SAE sockets. These sockets are preferable for heavy-duty jobs that demand more torque and power. 
  3. Metric Sockets- Metric sockets are ideal picks for performing works in imported vehicles. The size of the metric socket is often measurable in millimeters. The most commonly used metric socket sizes are 36mm and 10mm. 
  4. Driver Sockets- Driver sockets tighten or loosen the screws with the help of a ratchet handle. Driver sockets are available for different screw heads, such as Phillips, hex, and flathead. 
  5. Spark Plug Sockets- These sockets are ideal for removing or fitting the spark plugs. In fact, the spark plug sockets speed up the work for carrying out an automotive repair job. 
  6. Pass-Through Sockets- Pass-through sockets allow bolts to pass through the ratchet and socket. It is usually preferable for long bolts within machinery, cars, or electronics. 
  7. Impact Sockets- Impact sockets work well with impact wrenches ideal for removing old and rusted bolts in cars, electronics, machinery, and others. 

To know more about the sockets, types, special features, and other attributes, please refer to this link

Related Questions

Can 12 Point Sockets Strip Out?

If you can hold the socket with the help of a wrench over the bolthead firmly, then there is no chance of a 12-point socket to strip the nut. In addition to that, a 12 point socket will also allow you to start your job from 6 different positions to work at tough corners. 

What Is The Standard Through Which Sockets Are Measured?

Currently, the socket sizes are primarily measured with two defined systems that include metric and SAE. SAE system is imperial and is measured in inches, and the metric system is measured in millimeters. Both 6 & 12 point sockets are measured with these systems.

To know more about the sizing standards of sockets, turn your attention to this write-up


You came here to get an answer about whether you can use a 12 point socket on a 6 point nut or not. But you got a lot more information to clear your doubts about using sockets of all types and sizes. By going through this guide, you must have the proper knowledge and skills to use a mismatched set of tools on bolts to make them work!