Buffer vs. Polisher: Side by Side Comparison For You

Let’s be real – driving cars in daily lives is not as exciting as the car chases in movies. As a result, these expensive automobiles have to tolerate mildly negative attacks on the busy road and often end up with minor damages on their exterior.

So if your brand new car is losing its glamour or old car is losing its charm because of the mark sticking out like a sore thumb, you can use a buffer or polisher to fix it.

This may be making you wonder – what really is the difference between these two things? Aren’t they the same thing?

And the answer is no. While they are very similar to each other, there are certain differences between them as well.

That is precisely what we will discuss today. So read on to know the detailed comparison of buffer vs polisher.

What Is a Buffer

You may have heard the term “buffer” a lot while loading videos back in the day. However, in terms of automobiles, it has a completely different meaning.

Here the word “buffer” comes from the action of “buffing”. It involves using a loose abrasive to remove minor setbacks in your car’s appearance like small scratches. A buffer helps you to cover up these marks for good and maintain the flawless smooth surface for a long time.

This device is built with a wheel on the bottom which will deal with some loose abrasive. You will need to apply the abrasive first on your car’s surface and then use the buffer to spread it evenly. Doing so will take care of the superficial imperfections and make the surface as smooth as new.

The process of buffing mainly relies on maintaining the right levels of acid and base. Caustic soda is a popular choice to control this reaction and the associated pH levels.

Types of Buffer


These are the most common types of buffer you will find in an automobile store. One of the reasons behind their popularity and easy availability is their high efficiency.

You can get them to work at high speed ranging between 1000 and 3000 RPM. They also allow adjusting this number using a variable trigger.

However, you should be careful while using it since excess friction from these buffers can do some damage to the car paint and increase heat generation.

Cleaning a car


The orbital buffers can usually be identified by the handles on top. They are mostly used by people who prefer detailing the car by themselves.

If you are new at this kind of task, using the orbital variation will be easier to learn since they require less power. You can choose between the variations of standard orbital and random oscillating.

Dual Action

If safety is your primary concern, the dual action buffers will prove to be the best option for you. They are built with a drive unit that limits the pressure you can exert in a singular area. Because of their circular motions, there will be lower risk for your car’s paint and polish to suffer.

Advantages Of Buffer

Removing Defective Spots

The main job of a buffer is to get rid of the defective spots on your car like scratches, blemishes and oxidation. It takes help of some polishing substitute to achieve the smooth finish. Besides, it can also make your car look as good as new by removing the stains.

Shiny And Glossy

In addition to erasing the undesired marks on your car, buffers also enhance its appeal by making the exterior shinier and glossy. So if you have been worrying over making a good impression with your car, you can rely on a buffer to take care of the situation. It can restore the lost glam for your automobile.

Prevents Contamination

Another great advantage of using a buffer is that it can prevent contamination on your car’s surface.

The secret behind that lies in its impact on maintaining the balance of pH levels. Without any buffer, the possible reaction between a strong alkali and a weak acid can increase the pH level exponentially, causing contamination.

Heat Resistance

Some models of buffers come with heat resistant motors so that they are safe from overheating. Therefore, you can count yourself secure from injuries or accidents related to such scenarios.

A red shiny vintage car

Disadvantages Of Buffer


Some buffers are rotary in design which means you can use them in only one direction at a time. As a result, it may take some time to cover the whole area of your car with a buffer. However, this also means that their job is done meticulously leaving no room for error.

Not For Beginners

If you are not used to any of these polishing tasks for cars, buffers should not be your starting point. These devices require a certain level of expertise and practical knowledge for proper execution. Besides, you will also need to take care of it regularly and pay attention towards its maintenance for best results.

What Is a Polisher

Polishing is another technique of glossing up the car which requires the abrasive to be secured first on the wheel. This can be done with the help of simple adhesives like glue. Since the abrasive is now fixed, the resulting finish can turn out to be a little aggressive.

Such polishers came into play since clear coating took over older single-layer paints like urethane and lacquer. The transparency made it harder for automotive experts to maintain the glossy finishing, such as using automotive primers, after the car suffered from scratches.

Thus, machine polishers came into play. They can deliver a much better outcome by increasing both power and efficiency of the task.

The modern polishers are made of four major parts – motor, spindle, pad and backing plate. An electric or pneumatic motor runs the rotating spindle connected to it. The plate on the other hand is usually flexible and made of rubber or plastic. It makes sure that the pad is held correctly.

Types of Polisher

Fixed Orbital

These orbital polishers are categorized as “fixed” because they operate following a fixed path. Each move is like a concentric circular motion which enables them to do their job without causing too much friction. Usually, these are the best choices for giving your car a mid-level makeover.

Dual Action Orbital

The dual action orbital polishers don’t rely on a pre-set path during operation. These devices just work on random spots on the vehicle’s surface. While this may seem counter-productive at first, such a randomized approach actually helps to keep the applied pressure within limits and to avoid potential damages.

Advantages of Polisher

Fixing Scratches And Paint

You can rely on polishers to bring back the glamorous appearance for your car. By using them right after washing the car, you can get rid of the minor scratches, repair oxidized paint and fix imperfections in its coating. After the polishing is done, the coating will be as smooth as the original one.


Time is the most precious resource available to us. Unfortunately, it is finite. As a result, we must ensure its maximum utilization in all scenarios. Polishers can help you with that since the orbital ones reduce the total time required for the task. It brings in higher efficiency and more power to finish the job faster.

Easy To Use

If you have been thinking of learning how to do the finishing of a car, polisher would be a good starting point. They are simple to use since these machines don’t weigh too much and come with handles which are easy to hold onto. So you can grab one, prepare it for polishing and get the job done yourself in no time!

Front view of a red shiny car

Disadvantage of Polisher

Not Durable

A polisher can return the glossy appearance of your car for only a short amount of time. Usually, the vehicle starts to lose its shine after about two months since it was treated with a polisher. Therefore, you will probably have to go for it more frequently than other alternatives.

Comparing Polisher Vs Buffer


Buffer and polisher are very similar to each other in terms of uses. They both can grant your automobile a brand new shiny appearance. Both of them are capable of restoring the lost gloss.

However, the buffer has a little bit of an upper hand when it comes to removing minor scratches and similar spots. It doesn’t require compounds or wax to erase the marks or any sticky residue like polishers. So if you want to minimize the mess, buffers would be the better option.

Structure and Variations

You can figure out the differences between buffers and polishers from merely their structure. Buffers are usually rotary in function while most polishers are orbital. However, both of them are available in dual action variation. Some polishers also come in forced rotation and fixed orbital categories.


Although their contribution and mechanism is quite similar, polisher and buffer require different kinds of abrasives when it comes to the level of grit. Buffers work with lower grit levels while polishers deal with higher ones. These abrasives are categorized based on the amount of grit particles embedded in them.


Completing these finishing tasks on time is crucial in order to enhance the car’s durability and get the best outcome from it every time! Thankfully, cleaning with the buffers is quite easy and fast. But cleaning with the polishers takes a little longer because of the extra tools, except for the orbital variations.


If you want to make your regular maintenance routines as decluttered as possible, buffers would be a better idea. Applying it once will last for a long time whereas an application of polishing will start to fade only after two months. So remember to buff your car every once in a while to keep its gloss up!

Surface Damage

Polishers turn out to be much more aggressive than buffers. As a result, your car will be more prone to surface damages under the impact of polishers. To keep it safe from any potential impairment and maintain its lustre at the same time, choose to buffer your car whenever necessary.

A man cleaning a gray shiny car

Bottom Line – Which One is For You?

The clear winner in this glorious battle of buffer vs polisher is the former!

Buffer provides a highly durable finishing. You can rely on buffer to get rid of all the minor spots like scratches, blemishes and oxidation. Additionally, the buffer will restore your car’s shine.

Speaking of buffers, they are also quite perfect with boats. So keeping all factors in perspective, buffer seems to be the better solution to fix the damages of your car finishing!