10 Best Epoxy Resins for Wood – Reviews and Buying Guide [2024 Review]

If you want to create the most beautiful wooden table, you will need the best epoxy for wood. Apart from expert handcrafting and an excellent sense of style – epoxy is the only product that achieves a bright crystal appearance on any wood.

But epoxy also helps to prevent stains, reduce scratches, and keeps the wood cleaner than without any coating. Sadly, not all epoxies are worth buying.

If you’re in search of a new epoxy for woodworking projects, want to recoat a wood table, or just want to get something that helps to improve any wooden surface – then this is the right article for you.

Next, we’ll show you everything you need to know and more.

In a hurry? To save you time, here’s our top 3 picks for the best epoxy resins for wood:

How to Choose the Best Epoxy Resin for Wood

Before you learn about the different alternatives available out there, you’ll have to learn what to consider. Here are all the factors to think about before making your choice:

1. Coverage Capacity

This is mostly about how much resin you’re getting per pint, ounce or gallon. Of course, it all depends heavily on the formula.

The easier it is to spread, the more coverage capacity the resin will offer. So, if you want to get a long-lasting and efficient epoxy, then you should get one with the highest coverage capacity possible.

Surely, though, this doesn’t mean an epoxy with high coverage is better. But it will probably deliver a better performance than its alternatives. Also, the application will probably be easier than with other less easy to spread options.

Usually, a bottle of 1.5 ounces may help to cover about 25 sq. Ft. But for extensive options of about 1 gallon – you may get up to 100 sq. ft. of coverage. That would be your limits, so focus on getting products that don’t offer less than that.

A man handling wood

2. Gloss

The first thing to think about when picking an epoxy resin is how much gloss it offers. As you may know, gloss refers to the clarity and brightness it gives to the wood. That’s the whole point of using resin for many people, so it is one of the most critical parts it has.

That’s why we recommend no less than high-gloss for your resin. These will improve how your wood tables and other furniture look.

Without the gloss, it will be like applying any kind of protective coating, and that’s it. But with high-gloss epoxy – the result is simply fantastic. We recommend crystal clear alternatives as they deliver a way shinier and brighter finish. But if you can go for mirror-like gloss, then that would be a much better idea.

3. Curing or Drying Process

If you want to get the top notch epoxy resin, then you’ll have to go for a product that offers enough time for the application process.

For example, if you need to apply in a small area, then an epoxy formula that dries in 30 minutes will be an ideal choice. If you don’t want to waste much time and have the experience to make it happen without mistakes, then a fast-drying resin is your go-to choice.

But if it is for commercial use in large places, you’ll need an epoxy that dries up in between 2 to 72 hours.

It doesn’t necessarily mean that those that last longer to harden are better, but will probably deliver a stronger result than those that dry fast. However, those that harden really fast make it more usable and convenient, despite being difficult to apply due to the time restraints.

4. Hardener

The hardener is a formula that usually comes with the resin that helps to harden the product more easily. This goes along with the curing process but often comes as a second different pint or gallon to use.

Getting an epoxy model that comes with a hardener may offer extra advantages when it comes to curing the product. It will save you time and effort that pure resin will not.

5. Self-Leveling Function

One of the main features of epoxy for wood is a self-leveling property. It helps to provide a smoother surface on any wooden table or material for that matter.

This feature offers the chance of saving time and effort that streaking the epoxy could demand. You won’t have to wipe the epoxy flat on the surface to make sure that it makes a leveled result. Instead, this property makes the resin fill voids and gaps automatically at a specific thickness level.

We recommend epoxies that level at about 1/8 inches. But 1/10 and up to 1/6 inches in thickness may also work. Just remember that the thicker the self-leveling feature acts at, the more resistance the coating will have, but it will dry out slower.

6. Blush Resistance

The blush refers to a bi-product of the resin that changes the color and may create a grainy or uneven effect on the surface. You will want an epoxy that prevents this from happening.

For that, you’ll need to go for a blush-resistant formula, those that will make it easy to apply without creating any type of side effect. You won’t notice that the epoxy works right away after application, but once the product is cured.

That’s why it is already challenging to pick a specific type of resin that prevents blushing. Luckily, most formulas out there offer this advantage. But if you want to make sure, you should look for any description label or specific benefit that says so.

Still, to prevent blushing, the best thing you can do is only to apply resin when the surface is dry – completely dry. Otherwise, it is possible to experience blushing and harm the surface. Also, formulas that dry fast are more prone to blushing that those that dry slowly, so be careful when choosing.

7. Anti-Bubble Feature

Apart from preventing blushing, you will also want a resin for woodworking that avoids bubbles.

Bubbles often happen when the epoxy doesn’t have a thick enough composition. This will let air enter the product and produce bubbles.

But it is not only about the thick composition but also about the state of the surface. Cracks, splinters, uneven surfaces, and others will produce more bubbles than leveled ones.

Still, we recommend getting bubble-resistant formulas if you want to prevent this from happening. They come with that extra thickness that keeps the product much more reliable and easy to apply.

Also, it is essential to remember that bubbles happen more often in resins that harden fast. Due to the lack of thickness, they tend to produce more bubbles, and getting them out takes more work. So be choosy when getting a new epoxy resin.

8. Water Protection

Apart from being resistant to blushing and bubbles, the product should be resistant to moisture and water. This is a critical feature to have as epoxy is usually applied on wood with the whole purpose of strengthening it – especially from water.

This is a little hard to pick in resins, though. It happens because almost all epoxies are water-resistant, but some are better than others.

We recommend going for options that specifically clarify that it is water-resistant. These formulas will deliver higher durability and overall resilience, which makes the epoxy useful for wooden tables or any other furniture outdoors.

Resin pouring down the wood

9. UV Resistance

Another excellent feature to consider in resin for wood is UV resistance. It prevents sun rays from damaging the wood. Without this feature, you may experience wooden furniture drying out fast and a yellowing effect on the surface.

Those formulas with extra properties that prevent UV damage are excellent choices for applications in outdoor furniture. They will improve the overall durability of the pieces.

10. Scratch & Impact Resistance

The genuinely fantastic epoxies out there will not only protect against water, UV rays, bubbles, and blushing – they will also reduce scratches and impact damage.

It is common for wood to get damaged with scratches and impact from hard objects made of metal, crystal, or even wood. But with a nice epoxy coat with an anti-scratch property, it will improve how the wood stands against any kind of accident.

This will probably increase the value of the resin but inevitably comes like an excellent choice if you want to improve durability, and keep a nice look.

Our Top 10 Best Epoxy For Wood Reviews

After going through a comprehensive buying guide with all the factors you need to think about when choosing the right epoxy – it is time to learn which products are worth considering. Here’s a list of 10 epoxies with their own review:

Pro Marine Supplies Epoxy Resin Coating for Wood Tabletop

The Pro Marine Supplies Epoxy Resin Coating for Wood Tabletop is an almost perfect epoxy kit to have. It comes along with its own hardener, making it the best epoxy resin for wood for those who want durable, reliable, and fast results.

But it is not the addition of the hardener that makes it an excellent choice, but the fact that it works for almost any type of wooden furniture including tabletops, artworks, bars, and more.

It is a self-leveling option that saves you a lot of time and effort of making the epoxy perfect over any surface. The formula is thick enough despite its 72-hour curing process – offering up to 1/8 of leveling thickness which can make it easy to apply more coats if needed but also provide decent results.

As for the overall coverage, you will get 1 gallon that will be enough for up to 37 square feet. This is ideal for woodworkers who are continually using epoxy for their works, as one gallon can up to 10 applications without problems.

On top of that, you get a high-gloss appearance, ideal for increasing the beauty of any piece of furniture without losing resistance. Especially with its UV and water-resistant formula, you can expect a long-lasting and resilient product in its entirety.

Thanks to this exceptional mix, you can also expect it to prevent crawling, fish eyes, craters, and avoid blush. It is so fantastic that even the less experienced user can apply it effectively and get all of its benefits.

Highlighted Features

  • The high-gloss formula for extra beauty
  • Highly resistant from water & UV rays
  • Long-lasting gallon covers a lot of space
  • Practical self-leveling feature
  • Additional hardener makes application easier

Art ‘N Glow Clear Casting and Coating Epoxy Resin

This Art ‘N Glow Clear Casting and Coating Epoxy Resin can also make a great choice to any woodworker’s cabinet. And when it comes to the Art ‘N Glow resin – there aren’t many better options for sure.

It comes with a self-leveling function which saves some time when applying. The leveling function acts at 1/16 inches. It is not the thickest out there but helps to make fast and effective results without having to waste much time or effort.

And with the self-degassing feature, you will never experience bubbles when applying or afterward. This will also save a lot of time.

Despite a small 16-ounce kit, it can cover up to 3 square feet areas without problems. This would make it an excellent choice for people who want to cover small tables and similar furniture. It doesn’t demand much time to harden and offers a small container that’s easy to use.

The formula still manages to provide a yellowing resistance, so it looks like crystal at all times. And surely, it prevents water issues and increases its UV protection, so you can enjoy it for years.

But the real advantage of this epoxy is how much time you’ll have to make it work. With up to 40 minutes of application time, you can make sure it won’t dry out whenever you least expect it. You’ll have enough time to apply it useful in any wood table, object, jewelry, and more.

Highlighted Features

  • Resistance formula to UV rays & yellowing
  • Self-degassing function avoids bubbles
  • Levels itself at 1/16 inches for decently thick results
  • Comes with a 40-minute work time for convenience
  • The practical bottle works for a single application

MAS Crystal Clear Epoxy Resin

Another exceptional option that won’t deliver less than fantastic results is the MAS Crystal Clear Epoxy Resin. It is a professional-grade choice that provides outstanding results with its crystal bright color – which improves even the oldest wooden table without problems.

This performance comes directly from its high-gloss formula, ideal for making any table much more beautiful and resistant. And with its self-leveling feature, it makes the smoothest wooden surfaces without problems and little effort.

It will level at 1/8 inches, which is pretty thick for epoxy resin. This offers the chance of extra protection to any surface which will probably improve the durability and resistance of the piece. And with this thickness, you get the opportunity to cover up to 12 square feet of space with a single gallon.

The application process is also a piece of cake. It offers enough time so you can apply it with care and patience, especially with the added spreader and brush that will make it even easier. Even if you are inexperienced, this can be a pretty good choice for you.

It is essential to consider that to get rid of bubbles you may need to use a heat gun after 15 minutes of pouring the resin on the surface. This will help you achieve a much better result free of bubbles.

The finish will not let you down with its glass effect that improves any type of wood exponentially. Whether it is a tabletop or an artwork – this epoxy is an almost perfect choice.

Highlighted Features

  • Excellent gloss property for a good-looking finish
  • The easy application process for extra convenience
  • The self-leveling feature makes it easy to use
  • Prevents bubbles with self-degassing property
  • Offers superior thickness at 1/8 inches

Protective Coating PC-Woody Wood Repair Epoxy Paste

The Protective Coating PC-Woody Wood Repair Epoxy Paste the best epoxy for wood repair, this epoxy paste provides an almost perfect option to cover and fix wooden objects. The PCWoody Epoxy Paste from Protective Coating is a nearly flawless choice if you are looking to protect your wooden tables, but also correcting them.

Coming in 5 different presentations from 1.5 ounces up to 96 ounces depending on how much you need, you will get a decent coverage capacity. It is a pretty thick paste nonetheless, and it works less as a coating and more like a protective layer to wood.

That’s why it does wonders when it comes to repairing wooden furniture. Its two-part paste covers any faulty wood and makes it like new. Whether it is broken, yellowed, or rotten wood, this paste fixes it in a few minutes.

It comes with a high-tack composition that prevents any dripping or sagging when applying. You will have a straightforward process free of any problem. With up to 40 minutes of application time, it delivers the ideal option for people who don’t like to be restrained.

The significant advantage of this epoxy paste is the ability to be painted, machined, or stained after it hardens. You will have the chance to make it look however you prefer.

It is still long-lasting, reliable, and resistant to most weather elements. You will have the chance to use it anywhere, and it will not let you down.

Highlighted Features

  • Easy-to-apply paste composition
  • Repairs faulty wood in minutes
  • Can be painted or machined after it hardens
  • Resistant to all kinds of elements
  • Contains wood properties for extra durability

East Coast Resin Epoxy Resin Crystal Clear

For many people, the East Coast Resin Epoxy Resin Crystal Clear is the high-quality epoxy resin out there. And that wouldn’t be a wrong statement.

This is an almost crystal-clear coat for any piece of wood you have. Whether it is a tabletop or a cabinet – it delivers a nearly flawless surface that anyone will love.

And this all comes from a sturdy formula, capable of resisting UV rays, scratches, and even moisture or water. You will get the chance of using the epoxy anywhere, and it will always deliver the performance you’re expecting – indoors or outdoors.

The formula is also totally odorless and safe to use. You won’t have to wear a mask when using, and it won’t produce any harm while it hardens and dries out.

The best of all is the easy-to-apply composition. It is smooth, spreads very quickly, and hardens in 30 minutes – primarily when you use it along its hardener. Overall, it will improve any wooden surface exponentially.

With one gallon of this resin, you can cover up to 25 square feet. That will be enough to cover several wooden tables or surfaces. This will work well with the 1/8 inches of thickness it offers per layer – which makes it ideal for most users who want decent results for extra protection and durability.

Highlighted Features

  • Resistant formula against scratches, moisture & UV rays
  • Covers up to 25 square feet despite its thick formula
  • The smooth composition makes it easy to apply
  • Leaves a beatifying finish on any wood
  • Works in any type of object or surface

TotalBoat Crystal Clear Epoxy Resin

TotalBoat is one of those brands that take quality to unexplored levels and with the TotalBoat Crystal Clear Epoxy Resin – they delivered exactly that.

You get a superb product that covers all surfaces effectively, delivering a smooth finish that looks amazing. This happens due to its self-leveling capacity and its anti-blushing results.

It works at 1/8 thickness per layer, which is excellent for people who want decent durability & resilience. With this thickness, a single gallon can cover about 12 square feet of surface, which means several tabletops and similar objects without problems.

The high-gloss finish stands out completely, but not only for its good looks, but also for its resistance to blemishes, water, scratches, stains, yellowing, high heat, and UV rays. It is a totally reliable option for those who want extra durability.

You can make this epoxy work on any wood table or tabletop. But it also works in ceramic, concrete, stone, and even metal – delivering superb results at all times. On top of that, it offers the chance to work in outdoor environments, along with a nice UV protector, it will make any surface last decades.

Another excellent advantage is the pourable kit – so you can apply the product more efficiently and effectively. It will help you achieve all your desired results in no time – which is something not many resins offer.

Highlighted Features

  • Delivers an extra smooth finish
  • Extraordinarily durable and resistance against everything
  • Decently thick coating at 1/8 inches
  • Effortless application with the double-gallon kit
  • Also works on ceramic, concrete, metal, and even stone

Abatron WoodEpox Wood Replacement Compound

Another highly reliable brand that never disappoints is Abatron. And with its wood-replacement compound, you can expect no less than a fantastic experience. The Abatron WoodEpox Wood Replacement Compound is unique due to its anti-sagging composition. It avoids any kind of fantastic result on wooden surfaces which increases the quality of results you get.

The primary use would be to repair damaged wood, especially rotted and broken tabletops. It will leave a smooth surface with the right application and fix even the hardest of wood pieces.

But the real advantage comes from the capacity to be sanded or painted afterward. You will have the chance to make it look however you prefer after it hardens. This is an excellent ideal for woodworkers who want to fix or renovate furniture.

It is effortless to apply and delivers a strong result that resists even the most corrosive of weather elements. From moisture to UV rays and more – this epoxy compound is an excellent choice for anyone.

You will be able to fix several feet of surface area, which makes it an excellent choice for woodworkers who are always setting-up wood furniture and the like. It is pretty thick as well, so you will need always to use just enough, but it will never let you down in terms of durability and results.

Highlighted Features

  • A fantastic option for repairing furniture
  • Delivers smooth & sag-free results
  • Can be painted or sanded after drying off
  • Offers a resistant & durable result
  • One pit can last several months of use

SRC Epox-It 80 Clear Epoxy Resin

If we mention reliable brands that deliver no less than fantastic results, then SRC is undoubtedly among them. And with SRC Epox-It 80 Clear Epoxy Resin – they provide the best epoxy for wood that you will find.

It is a clear resin that coats wood effectively without leaving even the smallest of space to cover. The epoxy looks crystal clear and offers a high-gloss finish that is simply astonishing. And you can make it work anywhere from wood to metal, concrete, stone and more.

Inevitably, the kit comes with two bottles: one for the resin and one of the hardener. This makes application easy, so you save all the time and effort other formulas do not.

The best of all is the self-leveling and air-releasing properties. It prevents uneven surfaces while reducing the amount of bubbles it creates. You can get rid of bubbles and level up the epoxy in a range of 45 minutes. This will be enough for fast projects that need speedy results.

It works at 1/16 per layer, which is enough to achieve up to 24 square feet of coverage per gallon. This is a pretty decent thickness if you want light or thick results depending on how many layers you want. If you want versatility on top of anything else, then this option will come pretty handy.

On top of all that, it is a resistance formula that prevents yellowing, UV damage, moisture side effects, blushes, and more.

Highlighted Features

  • Highly resistant and durable formula
  • The straightforward application process with hardener
  • Self-leveling and air-releasing composition
  • Offers a beautiful high-gloss finish
  • Covers up to 24 square feet per gallon

Puduo Epoxy Resin Crystal Clear

For those who want to improve any of their wooden furniture or tabletops, the Epoxy-Resin-Crystal-Clear-Kit for Art will come like a fantastic option.

The huge advantage of this kit is the ability to provide a mirror surface – it is so glossy that reflects like a mirror. This adds to its high-quality results, which deliver an almost perfect appearance to any wooden surface.

You won’t have to worry about bubbles, fish eyes, craters, crawling, or even uneven surfaces – as it comes with an almost perfect formula. It levels itself, sets really hard, and mixes in no time, so application becomes a piece of cake too.

With a single gallon of this epoxy, you’ll have enough to cover 16 square feet of space, which is enough for several tabletops without problems. You can make it 1/8 thick if needed too, so you can receive a durable & resilient product.

But of course, what stands out the most is the durability it offers. From cracks to impacts, scratches, UV rays, and much more – this epoxy will protect any surface from the most common issues. And it works with wood but also with concrete, copper, granite, and even ceramic or Formica.

If you are a demanding user who wants nothing less than the best, this one will come pretty useful – especially with the additional accessories like gloves, measuring buckets, mixing sticks, mixing drill, and more.

Highlighted Features

  • Avoids bubbles, craters, uneven surfaces, fish eyes and more
  • Highly durable and resistant against scratches and impacts
  • Works in a wide array of surfaces
  • Delivers a mirror-like result on any wood
  • Thick & efficient coverage capacity

Countertop Epoxy Standard FX Epoxy

Want to protect any wooden tabletop or artwork? Then you need to use the high-end Countertop Epoxy Standard FX Epoxy.

Contrary to its name, this is not a regular epoxy resin. In fact, this is one of the most expensive thanks to the exceptional results it offers.

You will get the most durable, resistant, and easier to use option out there. It prevents scratches, stains, UV rays, and even impacts from damaging surfaces. Still, it manages to be odorless and food-safe, which adds extra convenience when used on tabletops and the like.

You can cover anything without problems. With its 1/8 inches of thickness when it levels up, you can get up to 20 square feet of coverage capacity with a single gallon, which is a lot for its ultra-clear & durable composition.

But it also offers a quick application process that lasts only 36 hours, ideal for those who want to mold and apply the resin with patience. Anyone who wants flawless results will probably adore having this resin.

If you are looking for a resin that lasts a lifetime, then you need to go for the Countertop Epoxy – the most durable and reliable on the whole list.

Highlighted Features

  • Outstandingly durable & resistant formula
  • Looks fantastic on any surface
  • Provides a durable finish that lasts years
  • Ideal thickness with decent coverage capacity
  • Dries out in 36 hours which makes it easy to apply

Types of The Best Epoxy for Wood

You went through all of our epoxy resin reviews, now it is time you get to know the different types you’ll find. Here are some of them:

1. Polyamide Epoxy

The polyamide epoxy is the most common out there. It is the one most people use on wood as it keeps the surfaces away from corrosion, and other moisture-related issues.

On top of that, polyamide resin increases the flexibility and adhesion, which makes it ideal for covering wooden surfaces and give them a flattened effect.

It is highly resistant and durable, especially against water. You will also find polyamide resistant to UV rays and high heat.

2. Polyamine Epoxy

Polyamine resin is similar to a polyamide – but with the advantage of more resistance against chemical factors.

For example, polyamide delivers exceptional hardness and durability and prevents any harm from chemicals like chlorine, acid or chalk.

It dries up slower than other types of epoxies, but it is due to a much sturdier result that makes them ideal choices for commercial application.

Despite the toughness, it is not as resistant to corrosion from moisture issues like polyamide. But it will still deliver a decent capacity, especially in places with lots of chemicals and other corrosive products.

A blue paint brush shining the wood

3. Phenolic Epoxy

Phenolic resin isn’t pretty common, but it is the most resistant against chemicals that you will find. It is not usually used on wood but can offer an extra coat that protects against chemical corrosion.

The phenolic epoxy usually demands heat-curing, which hardens the epoxy fast but also delivers a way more resistant surface.

It is an excellent choice to use in industrial and commercial environments. The only downside is that phenolic epoxy also demands other kinds of resins like polyamine or polyamide to work, which can make it more expensive.

4. Novolac Epoxy

Lastly, you will find the novolac resin. This is the most resistant of all, both against chemicals and heat. It is an excellent choice for outdoor furniture and other kinds of products.

This epoxy works well on wood, metal, concrete, and more – but it tends to be more expensive and difficult to apply. That’s why you aren’t likely to find this option out there. In fact, you’re more likely never to find it – mainly because it is used in commercial and industrial environments only.

To make novolac epoxy harden, it is necessary to use high heat. This will cure the epoxy effectively; otherwise, it may not harden at all.

5. Epoxy Paste

This is a different type of resin that you can find. It often comes with a thicker and much denser composition that’s ideal not only to coat wooden surfaces but also to provide the ability to repair all kinds of wooden objects.

With a little of epoxy paste or compound, you can repair things like rot damage, splits, breaks, deep scratches, holes, and more. It even offers the chance to paint over or recoat with more resin if needed.

Top 4 Best Epoxy Resin Brand on the Market 

There’s probably nothing more useful to know before choosing than knowing about the top rated epoxy resin brands out there. Here are 4 brands that you should consider above all others:

1. Pro Marine

Aiming almost entirely at producing the best epoxies in the world, Pro Marine offers outstanding quality that any demanding user will love.

If you want reliable, easy-to-use epoxies – then this brand should be your go-to option.

2. Art ‘N Glow

This brand focuses on paints and powders that glow in the dark. Despite that, its resins and epoxies are hugely worth it.

It is a trendy brand among artists who love making unique pieces. But it is also an excellent brand for all kinds of people who want to give special touches to their houses. An Art ‘N Glow epoxy won’t be a bad choice.

A paint brush on top of a wood

3. MAS Epoxies

If you want a brand that focuses solely on epoxies, then MAS is the one to go for. It delivers no less than exceptional results, concentrating on quality and durability over anything else.

Still, MAS epoxies are often practical and easy to use. If you want something convenient, a MAS Epoxy can be a nice idea.

4. Countertop Epoxy

No other brand offers premium quality like Countertop Epoxy does. Every product from this brand is slightly more expensive than its competitors, but this comes with a massive advantage in overall quality. If you’re a demanding user, this is the brand for you.

Comparing Resin and Epoxy

Resin and Epoxy are generally known as adhesives in woodworking. Although they are both adhesives, they still have some differences between them. They are often used for different coatings.  

Drying Time

Epoxies significantly dry fast. It takes around 6 to 30 minutes while resins take around 8 to 10 hours to dry. Resins will dry faster if they are applied at higher temperatures. 

Drying out too fast can be a problem if you’re filling out a deep mold. It will likely crack, warp, or discolor when used on deep mold. Hence, resins are a better option for deep molds. 

However, they’re bad for wide coverage since it takes too long to dry. Dust and dirt can accumulate to the moist surface and ruin the coating. Hence, epoxies are often used for their quick-dry properties. 


Epoxies are considered the strongest among all adhesives. They also tend to be the best in durability. Epoxies can withstand light abrasions and punctures. Resins are easily susceptible to dents and scratches. 

Hence, if you want something that’s durable and can withstand most damages, you should use epoxy. That’s not to say resins are bad. They also have their own advantages and are used for specific projects. 

Adhesive Property

Resins generally have thin and runny textures. They are great for molds and frames that are usually tight and constricted spaces.  

Epoxies are thick and sticky. They are best used for coating over horizontal surfaces. They won’t drip down the edges, unlike resins. Think of Epoxies much like how paint works. They dry fast and are easy to apply on horizontal surfaces. 

Pour Depth

As mentioned earlier, epoxies and resins have different compatibility when it comes to pouring depth. A single resin pour can be around 2 to 4 inches thick. Epoxy can only be effectively poured at ¼ inch thick. Hence, resins are better for deep pouring. 

Smooth Curing 

The longer the adhesive dries and cures, the more you can work and adjust it. It will be easier for you to eliminate air bubbles. However, you also have to keep in mind that it might also accumulate dust and debris. 


Epoxies are generally used for coating horizontal surfaces and enhancing their protection. Resins on the other hand are commonly used for decorative coating, jewelry, and many other. Resins are also often used to fill 2 or more inches deep of pouring. 


Epoxies and resins both form glassy and crystal clear finishes. However, resins are more preferred for aesthetics since they also have that distinct glow and metallic shine. 

Steps for Filling Wood with Colored Epoxy

If you’re wondering how to properly fill wood with colored epoxy, here’s how to do it. 

Tape the Cracks with Painter’s Tape

Cover the area around with painter’s tape with the crack at the center. This is to prevent any interference with the rest of the wood’s surface. Preparing the surface is important since epoxy dries fast. An error could make you do over the whole process. 

Mix the Epoxy

Decide what color of epoxy you want to coat over. Mix the epoxy with the dye you want until it finally appears like the color you wanted. 

Fill the Areas with Cracks

Fill the crack areas with your epoxy mixture. Allow it to settle for at least 5 minutes. Afterward, check if there is still a need to add more or not. 

Take Off the Tapes

Ensure that the epoxy has dried and cured. You can then remove the tapes and observe the result. 

Smoothen out the Surface

Smoothen the surface by sanding it with an orbital sander. Sand the whole area evenly until you feel a smooth finish around. Clean up afterward. 

Frequently Asked Questions

To help you learn more about woodworking epoxy resin, here are a few common questions people like to make about it, with their own answer:

Q: Do I Need to Prepare the Surface Before Applying Resin?

A: Yes, it is recommended to sand the surface and leave as little porosity as possible. Then clean entirely and deeply, and finish by drying the wooden surface. This is how you prepare anything before applying resin.

Q: Does Hardener Help to Speed up the Curing Process?

A: Yes, but no. All epoxies come with a pre-set time for curing when you mix the resin with the hardener. That time cannot be sped up, so you’ll have to calculate the time to prevent any issue before applying the product.

Q: Can I Apply Many Layers of Resin?

A: Yes, it is possible and recommended for surfaces that need extra protection like outdoors wooden tables.

A close up shot of a paint brush shining the wood


By now, you should already know which one is the best epoxy for wood. But still, we recommend reconsidering all the different aspects and little things that could have a big difference in what you get.

Remember, the right epoxy is the one that works best for you. Focus on following this idea, and you’ll get an excellent product that doesn’t let you down.