5w30 vs 10w30

No matter the type, engine oils are essential for diverse vehicles. Engines require such lubricants to work on internal combustion. Most of the engine oils are characterized by their viscosity, and so are 5w30 and 10w30.

Know more details about 5w30 vs. 10w30 to help you pick the right engine oil for your vehicle.

5w30 Motor Oil

5w30 refers to multi-grade engine oil, which comes with a viscosity grade 5 at low temperatures. The highest viscosity grade is 30 at higher temperatures.

Lower viscosity grade means that the oil is considerably thin at such temperatures. However, the oil is generally thicker for the engines at high temperatures.

Clean car engine

5w30 motor oil meets the ACEA Grade and API SN requirements, depending upon the brand of oil. Furthermore, it also has the MB (Mercedes Benz) approval. MB approves certain specifications of motor oil and assigns a grade to particular engine oil.

It forms a continuous layer over the engine parts. It means that the friction between the parts is reduced. With this, wear & tear of the engine is reduced during the start or stop operations. Moreover, this also keeps the engine cool.

Moving on, it also keeps the engine parts safe from rust and enhances the overall life of the engine. Apart from that, it also has superior thermal stability, and it maintains such properties at wild temperatures.

10w30 Motor Oil

10w30 is also a multi-grade engine oil with a viscosity grade of 10 for extreme lower temperatures. It has a high viscosity grade of 30 for high temperatures.

It has the potential to protect the engine’s piston from any deposits accumulated due to fuel combustion. This engine oil also has better control over sludge formation. With the use of 10w30, you can be sure of preventing the build-up of any sludge or gel-like deposit over the engine at high temperatures.

In addition, 10w30 motor oil is compatible with sealing and after-treatment implementation. This engine oil also meets the API SN requirements. The 10w30 motor oil with ACEA A3/B3/B4 rating is ideal for use in vehicles.

Its functionality is similar to that of 5w30 motor oil. It also forms a continuous layer over the engine parts to reduce friction in the parts. It not just prevents the wear and tear of the engine but also keeps it cool.

Engine oil bottles

With the application of this oil, you can ensure a smoother clutch & gear operation. The engine will operate noiselessly, and the oil will help retain viscosity even at high range temperature fluctuations.

5w30 vs 10w30

A vehicle engine consists of a lot of moving parts that promote friction. And, if lubrication is not offered to such friction-causing operations within the engine, it will experience wear and tear.

Therefore, engine oil is a prominent lubricating agent that serves the said purpose. Moreover, it also increases the life of an engine.

Check the similarities, differences, and distinguishing factors of 5w30 and 10w30. It will help you decide upon which one to pick. 

Similarities Between 5w30 Vs. 10w30

  • Both 5w30 and 10w30 have the same SAE rating. It means that they will be performing similarly at different operating temperatures.
  • The viscosity at operating temperatures is identical for both the oils, i.e., 30.

Differences Between 5w30 Vs. 10w30

  • The significant difference between these two motor oils is that 10w30 moves slower than 5w30 during cold start-ups.
  • Moreover, 5w30 offers better lubrication compared to 10w30.
  • One more difference between 10w30 and 5w30 is that 5w30 is more suitable for private or light-duty vehicles, whereas 10w30 is more favorable for commercial vehicles.
  • The engine with 5w30 oil will perform better in winters, whereas the engine with oil 10w30 will perform better in summers.
  • 5w30 covers a more extensive range of temperature as compared to 10w30.
  • Moreover, 5w30 thins out quicker at high temperatures in comparison with 10w30. But, 5w30 thickens lesser than that of 10w30 oil at low temperatures.
Man checking oil in car with dipstick

Major Distinguishing Factors

The temperature range for 5w30 is -35 to 35 degrees Celsius, and for 10w30, it is -16 to 30 degrees Celsius.

The flashpoint of 5w30 is 230 degrees Celsius, whereas it is 232 degrees Celsius for 10w30.

The kinetic viscosity of 10w30 at 100 C, mm2/s is 10.4, whereas, for 5w30, it is 11.1.

When To Use 5w30

This oil is preferable for light-duty diesel & petrol operated engines and automotive gasoline vehicle engines.

The oil has good flow at lower temperatures, for which the vehicles running in cold climates can use this engine oil.

When To Use 10w30

10w30 is best for engines that use biofuel or biodiesel (any advanced fuels). It is perfect to use for automotive diesel or petrol engines as well.

This oil is apt for vehicles running in both cold conditions and moderate hot weather.

It is also preferable for vehicles that haul heavy baggage or luggage and carry heavy transportation loads.

Which is Better?

When deciding which motor oil to prefer for your vehicle, it is better to consider the driving condition, location, and vehicle type.

The differences in lubrication, flowing speed, temperature range, and other distinguishing factors make these oils the best of their kind.  Hence, check on the conditions and comparative factors to choose the best for your engine to live forever with minimal or no wear and tear.